Modlitwy do św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej

Modlitwa do św. Urszuli Ledóchowskiej U tronu Boga wstawiaj się za nami, Matko Urszulo, wśród wybrańców nieba. Ufni stajemy z naszymi prośbami. Ty wiesz, jak bardzo łaski nam potrzeba. Rodzinom uproś moc trwania przy Bogu, Młodzieży ufność wbrew wszelkiej nadziei. Wyjednaj dziatwie, niech w rodzinnym progu Bóg ją zachowa od...

Run to God instead of running away

Learning to live the way of Jesus by studying Scripture in community. Risen is a church that began as the dream of 5 friends from college who wanted to create a place that would help people find their way back to God. Services were first held in the Naperville Central...

I give you all my fears

Learning to live the way of Jesus by studying Scripture in community. Risen is a church that began as the dream of 5 friends from college who wanted to create a place that would help people find their way back to God. Services were first held in the Naperville Central...

Form a new community development

you are Welcome Learning to live the way of Jesus by studying Scripture in community. Risen is a church that began as the dream of 5 friends from college who wanted to create a place that would help people find their way back to God. Services were first held in...

Consider moving their church

you are Welcome Learning to live the way of Jesus by studying Scripture in community. Risen is a church that began as the dream of 5 friends from college who wanted to create a place that would help people find their way back to God. Services were first held in...

Reproducing the mission in others

you are Welcome Learning to live the way of Jesus by studying Scripture in community. Risen is a church that began as the dream of 5 friends from college who wanted to create a place that would help people find their way back to God. Services were first held in...